Sunday, March 3, 2013

What Are "Personal Practice Assessment" and "Personal Practice Program"?

Many have asked what does "Personal Practice Assessment" (on Karmarati's brochure and flier) mean and how does that affect our yoga practice. In Karmarati, Personal Practice Assessment is done on a one-on-one private session where the teacher guides the student to a standard sequence of yoga poses and assesses the issues experienced by the student. The issues could be tightness around the shoulder area, upper back and lower back problems, hip condition, balance, breath and concentration problem.
The assessment is meant to improve the comfortability and flexibility with our own bodies, also at the same time to improve balance, strength and connection of the whole system (mind, body and spirit).

Usually, the teacher would define the areas of concern in one or two sessions and would further discuss the assessment with the student on his/her "Personal Practice Program" and define the priority of the practice. The Personal Practice Program will later be a guide of student's private/personal practice. Here at Karmarati, the teacher would keep notes on student's experience and progress, also, the program would be adjusted according to the needs and condition of the student as it progresses. Once the student is very familiar with his/her own personal practice, he/she is encouraged to practice this by him/herself at home or joining regular classes to accelerate the progress.

Eventually, the student would experience the benefits of yoga in a very personal (and tailor-made) way.