Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chakra Balancing Intro Workshop - There We Were

Greetings to friends of Karmarati,

It was a pleasure and a privilege for Karmarati Yoga to conduct Chakra Balancing Intro Workshop on April 20, 2013. It was also our 1st Anniversary in this new location and under a new name. Celebrated by having this workshop with members and friends indeed brought blessing to our yoga activity beyond the asana. We collected Rp. 1,440,000 from donation and member pass that day. The money collected is donated to Kinderdorf Bandung to support the children in the spirit of expressing our love by spreading "yoga for all people" (our mission). We hope that yoga celebrated here is not just the asana (posture) and that it would extend to touch the souls.

I bow in gratefulness and respect to the Universe, to all participants, to those who helped with logistics and cleaning....and beyond. We look forward to conducting more workshops in the future.

Everybody was in "the zone" for Chakra knowledge, so no one really intended to take pictures. I stole a moment or two to click the camera while the participants were busy ;-)). Interesting potluck of Klappertaart, Rosella sweets and syrup from friends. Siren Boutique also provided vouchers for participants. Thank you!

Om namo Narayani om.
Peace and joy.