Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dance To Come Home

Divine Shakti & Chakra Dance brought out so much from the deepest level of self. Most experiences were beyond logical explanation, yet they all made sense.
In each week of the Goddess' Dance, participants were advised to follow the "codes" of each week theme (based on Shakti's characteristics). The first week was about inner strength and protection, participants would experience these forces coming out from inside - through mantras and dance trance movement.  Every week is not the same and therefore, none experienced the same as well.
This program is very unique, personal and more like journey find our nature.

One of the participants (or, we always call them "Karmarati People") wrote this, beautifully. She shared here a beautiful collage photo of Goddess Kali Dance session (when they've gotten a chance to dress up with expressions!)

"I was preparing myself to learn lots of things.
Then, I discovered I experienced much more, the experiences that my soul already knows.
Like a coming home journey .. only in a beautiful exciting way.. 
I feel so grateful, until today." (Imed Karmarati People)

I have been deeply grateful for guiding the participants through their inward journey. Thanking Shakti creative energy all around me! Nothing is "made-up" or mystic about this program, it is all about your personal journey diving in to yourself. As Imed shared: a coming home journey.

Peace. Om Shanti.