The Rainbow Invasion
A short note of self-discovery and a journey to the inner self.
The story behind me encountering chakra is quite a long story, with rocky and bumpy road here and there. But, one word to describe it is, magical.
No one actually knows why they are being directed to a certain destination, through a certain path, with a certain type of journey. Everyone has different experience, witness different beauty, meeting different angels, but in a rainbow highway, we all have the same destination: our true self.
That’s what I found in chakra, or more precisely, what chakra has opened to me.
After following the energy work workshop, so much awareness awakens, surprising acknowledgement of myself, and a never-ending answers flowing through every day, in the forms of reality and understanding. A real journey spiritually.
That is the most important discovery I have found after completing the workshop, the inward journey to myself, deeper and wiser, happy and sad, fast and slow, bright and dimmed, all mold into one strong vibration of who I am, what is my flaws, how to love myself, and, ultimately, what is my purpose in life.
Chaotic and ruined at first, but rooting deeper into a surrender to every single bits of my body and soul.
Who knows that I would be placed here, right now, in this exact moment, writing the nonstop sentences coming out from the energy that has long been abandoned for the sake of running out of the true course of my being.
I am aware of who I am now, and I am ready to take on the journey forward, bearing in my mind that I am good enough and that I am capable as how I want to be.
Just like the rainbow colors, it might not always beautiful in your eyes every time, but the colors never changed. Just like you, originally, your core self, never change, you evolve.
Into the most beautiful person you have never encountered before.
The rainbow has invaded me in varied ways, not all beautiful, but all is good.
Because the path now has started, not into oblivion, but to resurrection.
Thank you Karmarati for not only being a home, but the treasure map to myself.
Nandinne Karmarati People for Chakra Energy Work Batch II, 2015.